All my academic publications are on Google Scholar
Blog posts:
- Victoria Palacin, Laura Perovich, Rosalie Norris, Rahul Bhargava. 2019. What happens when we dance our data?. MIT Civic Media Blog.
Peer-reviewed, as author:
- A. Knutas, V. Palacin, G. Maccani, P. Aragon, A. Wolff and L. Mocek, “Civic Code for Social Change: Lessons in Civic Tech Grassroots for Software Engineers,” in IEEE Software,
- Palacin, V., Gilbert, S., Orchard, S., Eaton, A., Ferrario, M.A. and Happonen, A., 2020. Drivers of Participation in Digital Citizen Science: Case Studies on Järviwiki and Safecast. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1), DOI:
- Palacin, V., Nelimarkka, M., Reynolds-Cuellar, P., Becker, C., 2020. The Design of Pseudo-Participation. In the Proceedings of the 2020 Participatory Design Conference (PDC). Colombia. ACM. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin, V., Ginnane, S., Ferrario M.A., Happonen, A., Wolff, Annika., Piutunen, S., Kupiainen, N., SENSEI: Harnessing Community Wisdom for Local Environmental Monitoring in Finland. Case Study. CHI 2019 Extended Abstracts. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Glasgow, Scotland UK. [DOWNLOAD]
- Knutas, A., Palacin, V., Maccani, G., Helfert, M., Software Engineering in Civic Tech: A Case Study about Code for Ireland. At the ICSE 2019 Software Engineering in Society Track. 41st International Conference in Software Engineering. Montreal, Canada. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin-Silva, M., Porras, J. 2018. Shut up and take my environmental data! A study on ICT enabled citizen science practices, participation approaches and challenges. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability ICT4S2018. EasyChair. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin-Silva, M., Knutas, A., Ferrario, MA., Porras, J., Ikonen, J., Chea, C. 2018. The Role of Gamification in Participatory Environmental Sensing: A Study in the Wild. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin-Silva, M. 2018. Understanding Civic Participation in Environmental Sensing: A Values Driven Approach. Proceedings of the 2018 Doctoral Consortium at the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin-Silva, M., Khakurel, J., Happonen A., Hynninen, T., Porras, J. 2017. Infusing Design Thinking Into a Software Engineering Capstone Course. In 30th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET), (pp. 204-212). IEEE. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin-Silva, M., Seffah, A. and Porras, J., 2017. Infusing Sustainability into Software Engineering Education: Lessons Learned from Capstone Projects. Journal of Cleaner Production. [DOWNLOAD]
- Kasurinen, J., Palacin-Silva, M. and Vanhala, E., 2017, May. What concerns game developers?: A study on game development processes, sustainability and metrics. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics at 39th International Conference in Software Engineering (pp. 15-21). IEEE Press. [DOWNLOAD]
- Palacin-Silva, M., Seffah, A., Heikkinen, K., Porras, J., Pyhälahti, T., Sucksdorff, Y., Anttila, S., Alasalmi, H., Bruun, E. and Junttila, S., 2016. State-of-the Art Study in Citizen Observatories: Technological Trends, Development Challenges and Research Avenues. Finnish Environment Institute. [DOWNLOAD]